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How Working in Sprints Drives Efficiency and Helps Agencies Scale


What Is an Agile Scrum Environment?

An agile scrum methodology is a type of project management system that builds products in increments, or sprints. The process typically consists of two- to four-week sprints, where each sprint's goal is to build the key features first and have a Potentially Shippable Product (a product that is essentially ready for the client) completed.

Whether you have already adopted agile methodology and work in a scrum team or you’re just looking for ways to help your team be more efficient, you can greatly benefit from organizing your workload into sprints.

What Are Sprints?

In scrum and agile methodologies, a sprint is a brief, fixed period when a scrum team works to complete a set amount of work. However, a company can implement sprints outside of scrum teams and can help agencies drive efficiency and scalability.

Sprints can vary in duration (1-2 weeks, 1-2 months) depending on the type of product or service. However, all sprints have clear goals, and teams stay focused on those outlined goals.

How Working in Sprints Drives Efficiency

  • Sprints help you single-task and get more done

Turning complex projects into sets of real, achievable tasks and assigning them to sprints enables your team to focus on one task at a time and get more done.

There is evidence that suggests multitasking can decrease efficiency, despite the common belief that it helps you get more done. In reality, multitasking is failing at multiple tasks at the same time.

  • Sprints promote continued improvement

During the sprint, the team meets daily for 15 minutes to resolve blockers and ensure progress. At the end of each sprint, the team meets for a retrospective where team members reflect on things that went well and what they can improve for the next sprint. Taking this action allows the team to continually evaluate and improve business operations within the team.

  • Sprints help you fail fast

Failing fast means gathering feedback on your processes, analyzing them, eliminating the processes that are not working, and quickly implementing new ones. Then you repeat.

Working in sprints helps you be flexible enough to fail fast and eventually build processes that help you scale rather than stick with the methods that are holding your team back.

  • Sprints keep you focused on priorities

During sprint planning, the team determines high-priority tasks and focuses on getting those done first. But, more importantly, working in sprints and reviewing the progress daily allows you to shift priorities quickly and adapt to change without disturbing the workflow.

How Working in Sprints Helps Your Business to Scale

Two pillars for scaling your business are a well-organized team that provides high-quality services and well-established processes. By working in sprints, your team becomes more efficient and continually improves work quality by failing fast and enhancing strategies that deliver better results. 

Ready to Scale With Us?

If you're a business owner looking to optimize your operations and increase your ROI, we here at Scale at Speed agency can help you achieve your goals. We specialize in developing custom strategies that increase brand visibility, drive traffic to your website, and convert visitors into customers. Our team of experts has years of experience working with businesses of different sizes across several industries, and we've helped numerous clients achieve exponential growth.

We'll work closely with you to understand your unique needs and develop a tailored approach that delivers results. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you scale your business!