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3 Best Questions To Ask Your Audience After A Presentation

Reading Time: 2 minutes

questions to ask after a presentation - Chris Durham speaking at a business lunch on social media


What Questions to Ask After a Presentation

The end of your presentation is a crucial time, and you should make the most of, but you may be wondering what questions to ask after a presentation. Here are three questions to help you do just that.

1. What did you find most useful?
Assuming you did not totally crash and burn this question will get your audience thinking about the positives from your presentation. It’s always a good idea to have people remember you in a positive light. It also helps you to see what your audience felt was most important and can help you refine and improve your presentation for the next time.

2. How can you implement this?
You just spent some time sharing information with a group of people, and it’s good to give them something to take away. How is the information you’ve shared with them able to help them? You can state a few examples but by asking them this question each audience member can think in the context of their lives, increasing the relevancy of what you shared.

3. What will you do if you hit a roadblock?
The purpose of this question is twofold. The first is to close your presentation with one last positive take away. Leave them with a simple 3 or 4 step process for troubleshooting a potential hurdle related to whatever your presentation focused on. The second part is to give them your contact info and an invitation (call-to-action) to use it. The last step in your troubleshooting guide should be to communicate with you. Use this as a great way to turn audience members into clients without being a pushy salesman. Nobody likes that.

Instead of just ending your presentation and calling it a day engage your audience with questions that will get them thinking. We hope this post has answered the question: what questions to ask after a presentation.

Also See: Best Question To Ask Your Presenter After A Presentation