Radish Blog

10 Job Titles and Descriptions for Social Media Positions

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(Updated 2015)

The professional world is catching up and hiring or expanding staff positions to account for social media responsibilities. Here are 10 job titles and descriptions for social media positions.

10 social media job titles and descriptions + 3 BONUS

  • Digital Marketing Consultant: Focuses on developing the strategic direction of digital marketing campaigns. These consultants typically work outside an organization, typically in a digital marketing agency. Learn more about the Digital Marketing Consultant role.
  • Digital Marketer: What is a digital marketer? A person who oversee all digital marketing initiatives on behalf of a company. These campaigns are often integrated across all online platforms and channels.
  • Inbound Marketer: Typically, Inbound Marketers specialize in content marketing combined with marketing automation software. (What is inbound marketing?)
  • Director of Social Media:  Focuses on developing and overseeing social media initiatives and how those actions will be integrated into the overall business strategy.
  • Social Media Account Manager:  Accounts are considered internal because they include an array of profile accounts created in various social communities.
  • Social Media Specialist: Creates and implements strategies and directions the company will pursue. Activities are focused in existing social networks by which the individual will develop communities or create proprietary ones within the business’ structure.
  • Social Media Planner: Develops proposals for digital advertisers, coordinates with media team regarding inventory, and may also manage media across mobile, web and email platforms.
  • Blogger: In the professional sense (Corporate Blogging, Revenue generating Blogs, etc…), the blogger must create regular content which promotes the marketing message or other focused material that advances the company.
  • Interactive Project Manager: Considered to be a multifaceted individual (jack-of-all-trades), the “IPM” has in-depth knowledge and experiences in a variety of platforms and interfaces. Most IPMs will understand different protocols and have excellent communication and organizational skills.
  • Social Media Analyst: The analyst communicates the results and trends of marketing campaigns to internal agencies and possibly directly to clients. They provide insight into measurements and solutions based on that insight to help reach objectives.
  • Social Media Coordinator: Coordinates marketing events with online activity and tracks the analytics of social media influence, more commonly associated with twitter and other social media distribution channels.
  • Podcaster: Not always considered a social media position but it’s very intertwined with most social networks  because it provides content for the massive audiences hungry for the multimedia produced and published by the podcaster.
  • Community Manager: All time spent will be in facilitating the conversations taking place throughout the communities the business is participating in. Content creation and submission to these tends to be a large part of their work as well.
What social media positions have you seen? Please share your comments below.

CEO of Uhuru Network

Original article written on www.peterlang.us, follow Peter Lang on Twitter